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Win at Checkers

Millard Hopper

© 1941, Millard Hopper
© 1956, Dover Publications, Inc.
Dover Publications, New York
Revised publication of Checkers, All the Answers on the Art of Successful Checker Playing
ISBN 0-486-20363-8
109 pages

Opening Line: “Just to give you an idea of how one of my students becomes transformed from a ‘hit-and-miss’ checker player into a competent devotee of the game, consider the following...”

Table of Contents:

  1. A Review of the General Principles of the Game
  2. What are the Experts’ Shots and Traps?
  3. How the Beginner Loses
  4. What are the Standard Openings of Checkers?
  5. How Can You Locate Your Best Move?
  6. Checker Brain Teasers
  7. The End Game
  8. Some Opening “Blitzkriegs”
  9. Ways to Draw with a Man Down
  10. What are the “Two” and “Three-Move” Restrictions?
  11. Final Advice to the Student
  12. “The Standard Laws of Checkers”


How to Win at Checkers cover art